Our firm is committed to everyone playing a role with respect to implementing and participating in the safety rules of the company, clients and the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. We support workplace health and safety and risk prevention through training, promoting and enforcing safe work habits amongst all of our employees and sub-contractors.
Each project is unique, presenting its own possible hazards. The best strategy to deal with such a magnitude of potential issues is by being knowledgeable, following safe practices and continuing to promote a culture dedicated to safety. We can all help in continuously improving our work environments, helping to protect fellow workers and ourselves.
We believe a company is only as good as the people that work for it, and we have the absolute best people! We believe in Safety first, Respect of one another, Encouragement of our fellow worker and the Integrity of relationships with our Clients, Suppliers and Sub Contractors.
Safety is the responsibility of all of us,
Work Smart, Work Safe!
— Stephen Coote, President